High leverage practices (HLPs)

Understanding of the HLPs under scrutiny

High leverage practices (HLPs) are a group of practices that are essential for student learning support. These practices are required to be learned and implemented by in-service teachers and preservice teachers. The HLP practices are helpful in providing clarity and precision in teaching and also in the expectations for the teachers. The high leverage practices are developed by the council of exceptional children for special educators and teacher candidates. The practices are taught to the teacher candidates and special teachers who will educate the exceptional children in innovative and creative that will help the students in learning faster (Baker, et. al., 2017). The high leverage practices are implemented for helping the students in critical learning for important content. These practices are the basic fundamentals of the teaching process. These practices will help students in supporting their emotional development and social development. The high leverage practices are applied to the teachers who educate the special and exceptional students in providing them more understanding about the contents of learning. These practices are helpful in providing services for the teachers to understand the application of these practices in a critical manner to provide services for the students who are need of special educators and teacher candidates. It is an important practice which helps in improving and motivating students to learn new things and grow in their career.

Use of two HPL’s in teaching practices

The high leverage practices are developed and published by the council for exceptional children in partnership with the collaboration for effective educator development. These are a set of practices for teacher candidates and special educators which are developed around four aspects of practices such as Collaboration, Instruction, Assessment, and Social/emotional/behavioral. There are various practices which are necessary for the teacher to master for critical knowledge enhancer. These practices are continuously used in the classrooms to improve successful outcomes from students after implementation.

Collaboration practices:

Collaboration is the type of High leverage practices in which special effective educational teachers collaborate with a wide range of caregivers, families, and professionals for assuring of educational programs and other services which are specially designed and implemented for meeting the needs of students with disability (Calabrese Barton, et. al., 2020). Collaboration with the professionals to increase students’ success is the high leverage practice in which the teachers, staff, and paraprofessionals support the students in learning to develop emotional and behavioral outcomes with the use of active listening, questioning, planning, sharing ideas, problem-solving, and negotiating. I found this practice to develop knowledge and solving problems with the collaboration of teachers with students. The organizing and facilitating effective meetings with the professionals and families is another practice which helps the students with disability in learning effectively (Calabrese Barton, et. al., 2020). This practice induces positive verbal and nonverbal communication in the students, encourages them for sharing their perspective, helping in active listening, and also taking feedback which improves instructional and behavioral development in students.

This teaching practice collaborates with the families of students to support in securing needed services and learning process. In teaching practice, the students’ needs, programs, goals, and progress are informed to the parents as special educational processes. The teachers should be effectively and respectfully communicating about the language, culture, priorities, and socioeconomic statuses with the family to understand the needs of the children (Burns, et. al., 2020). The teachers help children in building positive relationships between them to encourage self-advocacy, self-determination with family too, which helps in learning various aspects of content learning in developing strengths. Collaboration with families helps in supporting students’ learning to another level. I found it a special practice in which the students gain trust from the families to learn social aspects for the development of personality and acquiring transition goals for the specially-abled children. This practice provides positive outcomes for the needed services for special children from educators.

Assessment practices:

In the teaching practices, assessment plays an important role in providing knowledge to the students. In schools, students who have face disabilities are complex learners and they have different requirements that exist along with their strengths. The teachers who have special education skills and teaching styles have easily understood such students’ needs and requirements in a better manner (Sayeski, 2018). Thus, these tutors are well-informed regarding the assessment and they have the ability how to use and interpret the required data among students. It mainly involves consistent and formal assessment which is used in recognizing the students for special education facilities, inform continuing facilities, and improving students’ IEPs. The formal assessment statewide exam which gives required information regarding whether the students with disabilities are reaching with existing standards of learning and how their academic performance compared with disabled students (O’Flaherty, et. al., 2018). In this, I have the ability how to use assessments such as students’ functions, behavior and strengths. The assessment is an HLP form which is used to form students IEPs students’ and also determine instruction and monitor the students’ performance level (Calabrese Barton, et. al., 2020).

In my view, the special teachers and educators need to continuously examine the effect and benefits of their guidance on their students. Such teachers are knowledgeable concerning how the culture, language, context, and poverty may be influences the students’ activities and performance, find the way of discussion with families of students and other stakeholders, and selecting the accurate assessment that is provided to each student profile. It is an important consideration that is providing the cover illustration of cultural and linguistic differences from students and high scarcity backgrounds in education (Brownell, et. al., 2019). This is important for me is to focus on my student’s learning and understand their strengths and needs. As a teacher, I was also evaluating students’ performance and deliver them, tasks which they can perform in that manner. In the teaching field, assessment of students is an essential role of teachers as this will help in evaluating students’ requirements and wants in a better manner (Capobianco, et. al., 2018). According to my opinion, assessment is a key element of learning as this will assist in students learning and helps in motivating them towards performing good work. Teachers can evaluate their students learning with the help of analyze and check their homework, exams, reports, quizzes and so more.

Discuss the changes and improve the outcomes for the students

The collaboration high leverage practices are very effective in the outcomes of the students. As a teacher, I found that the collaboration practices very effective as the students gain so much knowledge in the learning process through the use of collaboration with the families and professionals of the field (McLeskey, et. al., 2019). I made the students gain transition and behavioral changes by applying collaboration practices to teach them the various means of knowledge in developing personality and gaining the needed services. Collaboration practices helped me in understanding the culture, language, socioeconomic status, and priorities of the families of students which helped me in implementing the practices for the students to gain the outcomes with respect to the expectations of the families in learning methods. This teaching practice helped me in changing the outcomes from the students as I analyzed and evaluated the progress of students at particular time intervals. The high leverage practices of collaboration are highly effective in finding out the various factors which can influence the performance of students such as context, language, poverty, and culture. But collaborations helped in navigating conversations with families and professionals to tackle these hurdles in teaching the students with disabilities (Riccomini, et. al., 2017). I provided the students with high poverty backgrounds in special education to help them in attaining their goals and needs in society. I applied the high leverage practices of collaboration in teaching students with a disability which helped in improving and changing the outcomes of the students in learning.

This assessment practice helps in improving and changing the results for the learners effectively. The teacher retains, extend, and reuse the practices which can help in improving students’ knowledge and adjust such which do not. Assessment is beneficial for both students and teachers in practices and also encourages them to perform better functions. Through the use of assessment HLP’s practice, students’ learning can be easily measured and evaluated by teachers. As a teacher, I have learned to focus on assessing the students learning which is important to analyze. The assessment practices enable the students to show their abilities and skills and then reflect on how they are reaching with education goals and accurate standards. In my view, the assessment method can be directly advantageous for the students and demonstrate their learning standards properly (Billingsley, et. al., 2019). In my opinion, I was focused on my learner’s work and evaluate their mistakes which they need to improve for increasing knowledge. As a teacher, I am concentrating on learners’ knowledge, abilities, and evaluating if any task is assessed and this will directly be associated with the learning intentions. This will provides better outcomes to the teachers who assess the abilities and strengths of students.



Baker, C.K., Bailey, P., Larsen, S. and Galanti, T., 2017. A critical analysis of emerging high-leverage practices for mathematics coaches. Elementary mathematics specialists: Developing, refining, and examining programs that support mathematics teaching and learning, pp.183-192.

Billingsley, B., Bettini, E. and Jones, N.D., 2019. Supporting special education teacher induction through high-leverage practices. Remedial and Special Education40(6), pp.365-379.

Brownell, M.T., Benedict, A.E., Leko, M.M., Peyton, D., Pua, D. and Richards-Tutor, C., 2019. A continuum of pedagogies for preparing teachers to use high-leverage practices. Remedial and Special Education40(6), pp.338-355.

Burns, R.W., Jacobs, J. and Yendol-Hoppey, D., 2020. A framework for naming the scope and nature of teacher candidate supervision in clinically-based teacher preparation: Tasks, high-leverage practices, and pedagogical routines of practice. The Teacher Educator55(2), pp.214-238.

Calabrese Barton, A., Tan, E. and Birmingham, D.J., 2020. Rethinking High-Leverage Practices in Justice-Oriented Ways. Journal of Teacher Education, p.0022487119900209.

Capobianco, B.M., DeLisi, J. and Radloff, J., 2018. Characterizing elementary teachers’ enactment of high‐leverage practices through engineering design‐based science instruction. Science Education102(2), pp.342-376.

McLeskey, J., Billingsley, B., Brownell, M.T., Maheady, L. and Lewis, T.J., 2019. What are high-leverage practices for special education teachers and why are they important?. Remedial and Special Education40(6), pp.331-337.

O’Flaherty, J. and Beal, E.M., 2018. Core competencies and high leverage practices of the beginning teacher: a synthesis of the literature. Journal of Education for teaching44(4), pp.461-478.

Riccomini, P.J., Morano, S. and Hughes, C.A., 2017. Big ideas in special education: Specially designed instruction, high-leverage practices, explicit instruction, and intensive instruction. Teaching Exceptional Children50(1), pp.20-27.

Sayeski, K.L., 2018. Putting high-leverage practices into practice. TEACHING Exceptional Children50(4), pp.169-171.
